Ex situ Laboratory / Literary Arts project

About the Ex situ Laboratory

The Ex situ Laboratory is a research and services unit funded primarily by the Canada Foundation for Innovation. It is located in the Department of Literature, Theatre and Cinema at Université Laval (Québec city), and is directed by Professor René Audet. As a specialized infrastructure, the Laboratory supports research projects in their use of digital resources, in addition to carrying out various projects, including the digitization of scientific archives and digital publishing projects.

Since 2008, the Laboratoire’s main mandate has been to research and experiment with means of dissemination in the humanities and social sciences, particularly in digital publishing, as well as to accompany and support research in literary studies, in the fields of contemporary literature and Quebec studies.

Literary Arts project

Literary arts encompass literary practices that do not use the canonical form of the book as a publication medium. They designate literary practices in which there is a creative dimension (excluding practices involving the mediation and patrimonialization of literature), involving the publication of a literary text (in the sense of making it available to the public, whether perennially or ephemerally – the book being the conventional form, hence the idea of looking at other modes of publication).

This page provides access to resources to help you better understand the literary arts. These tools were developed as part of the work carried out by the Laboratoire Ex situ, the Quebec hub of the Littérature québécoise mobile project, from 2021 to 2024, under the direction of René Audet.

Nomenclature of literary arts practices – Interactive version

There are three main categories of literary artworks: the text-based event, the literary text exhibit and the mediatized literary text. Within each of these, there are several sub-categories and specific practices.

For each level and practice, you’ll find a definition, the French equivalent and examples (mostly in French) to illustrate them. Click on the arrow next to a category to explore the underlying hierarchy; click on the “+” to access the description of each one.

Each category and sub-category is illustrated by one or more examples, which are the subject of descriptive sheets on an Airtable bank. To access the details of these sheets, please log in using the following login and password:

  • email address : acces@me.com
  • password : acc3s!@#

English translations of nomenclature terms and definitions were provided by Rachel McCrum.

  • Text-based event
    A work with a strong literary component, presented by one or more people in front of an audience. These practices can be multidisciplinary.

    French translation : Texte littéraire spectacularisé
    • Literary performance art
      A mode of artistic expression that involves inscribing literary content in gestures and acts which include a certain form of ‘endangerment’ for the artist, creating a unique performance event.

      French translation : Performance littéraire
      Example :
      La danse des écrivain.e.s, Mois de la poésie, 2022.
      • Performance lecture
        A conference during which the artist alternates between the role of lecturer and performer, or embodies both of these roles at once.

        French translation : Conférence-performance
        Examples :
        Chimère, [2016-2021], Lynx, [2012-2015], Emmanuelle Pireyre ;
        L’institut temporaire d’études littorales, Simon Brown, 2015.
      • Literary happening
        An unpublished, partially scripted literary performance event: it often involves the public.

        French translation : Happening littéraire
        Example :
        Poésie, sandwichs et autres soirs qui penchent, Festival international de littérature et autres programmations, [2006 à 2016].
      • Public art and literature intervention
        An artistic action involving a literary text, led by one or more people, which takes the social environment as its material and the public space as its place of performance.

        French translation : Intervention littéraire dans l’espace public
        Examples :
        Poésie d’espionnage Québec, Jeunes programmateurs de la Maison de la littérature, 2018 ;
        Ceci n’est pas une pub, Québec en toutes lettres, 2021.
      • Open mic
        An event during which professional or amateur artists are invited to offer a reading of a text composed by them or not, usually with the aim of testing their material or its delivery in front of an audience.

        French translation : Micro ouvert (scène ouverte, scène libre)
        Examples :
        Cœur ouvert, Carl Bessette, Festival international de littérature (FIL), 2017 ;
        Les jeudis poésie, Appart Anticafé, [2022-2023].
      • Live poetry
        Any form of poetry delivered in performances, whether on stage, in a cultural venue or in a more informal setting.

        French translation : Poésie vivante
        • Spoken word
          A poetic practice designed for performance and oralisation, which is distinct from both spoken and sung langage, and which can incorporate musical, theatrical, dance, narrative and improvisational elements.

          French translation : Poésie orale / art de la parole / spoken word
          Examples :
          Wiens, Vincent Tholomé, [2019-2023] ;
          Cabaret Spoken word, Spoken Word Québec, 2022.
        • Poetry performance art
          A contemporary artistic practice at the crossroads of performance art and performance reading, integrating a spatial inscription of the body.

          French translation : Poésie performée
          Examples :
          Me laisserez-vous, Mathis Berchery, 2019 ;
          Drague la poésie, Mois de la poésie, 2022.
        • Sound poetry
          An oral poetic practice using voice, sounds, instruments, and acoustic or electronic tools, where sonority plays a predominant role.

          French translation : Poésie sonore
          Example :
          Des monstres dans la gorge, Tremplin d’actualisation de poésie, [2001-2008].
    • Literary show
      A performance, scripted and staged with a predominantly literary focus, which may include other spectacular or artistic disciplines.

      French translation : Spectacle littéraire
      Example :
      Esstradinaire Esstradivarius, Mois de la poésie, 2022.
      • Scenic adaptation of a literary text
        The transposition for the stage of a previously published literary text in form other than that of a performance.

        French translation : Adaptation scénique de texte littéraire
        Examples :
        Le désert mauve, Nicole Brossard et Simon Dumas, Productions Rhizome, [2018-2020] ;
        We are shining forever à la recherche du royaume des morts, Mathieu Arsenault, Carte blanche, 2022.
      • Literary tour
        An indoor or outdoor circuit, accompanied by a guide or author, linking stations, places, installations, and performance spaces, during which the public is invited to read, hear, and experience literary works. A route accompanied by an augmented reality device is a possible variant.

        French translation : Balade littéraire / parcours littéraire
        Examples :
        Les lignes de désir, Pierre Ménard, 2010 ;
        Les chroniques de Montcalm, Francis Desharnais, Bach et Julien Dallaire-Charest, 2018 ;
        Rouages, Bureau des affaires poétiques, 2021.
        • Storytelling walk / Literary walk
          A walking tour during which a storyteller narrates an imaginary tale or historical events.

          French translation : Randonnée contée
          Example :
          Le sentier du conte vivant, Geneviève Bergeron-Collin, 2019.
      • Literary improvisation / Jam session / Extempore / Ad libbing
        A spontaneous artistic creation and execution, with either little or no preparation or score, presented as part of an organized and often scripted activity. There may be a competitive dimension.

        French translation : Improvisation littéraire
        Examples :
        Impro contée, Les Ami.e.s Imaginaires et la Maison de la littérature, 2022 ;
        L’excellent salon littéraire de l’inénarrable Dr. Johnson et du délectable Pr. Schmuns, Valentin Dellieu et Thomas Willaime, 2023.
        • Live improvised comic drawing show
          A show combining stage improvisation and the live creation of a comic strip, projected onto a screen.

          French translation : Impro BD
          Examples :
          Dans l’univers d’Alex A, Ligue québécoise d’impro BD, 2019 ;
          Cabaret Improvise-moi une BD, Festival Québec BD, 2023.
        • Improvised writing
          A live writing of texts intended to be read or heard on the spot by an audience.

          French translation : Improvisation écrite
          Example :
          Comédies musicales littéraires improvisées, Collectif AJAR, [2015-…].
        • Literary improvisation
          A show in which people invent the subsequent events to selected excerpts from a text, or propose an improvisation inspired by them.

          French translation : Improvisation tirée de la littérature
          Example :
          La Ligue d’improvisation littéraire, UNEQ et la Fondation Lire pour réussir, Festival Métropolis bleu, 2018.
      • Battle / Poetry clash
        A competition in which artists exchange verses or declaim a composition according to set rules, and whose performances are then evaluated by a jury or by the audience.

        French translation : Joute oratoire
        Example :
        Championnat des arts littéraires mixtes, Spoken Word Québec et Québec en toutes lettres, 2021.
      • Public reading
        A reading of one or more literary texts aloud to an audience with minimal staging.

        French translation : Lecture publique
        Examples :
        Mingan, mon village, Joséphine Bacon, Rita Mestokosho et Laure Morali, 2014 ;
        On peut boire la transpiration d’un cheval, Antoine Boute, Maison de la Poésie (Paris), 2022.
        • Literary bingo
          A reading event featuring short texts based on bingo codes (cards with numbers or words to spot, an abacus to select extracts to read, etc.).

          French translation : Bingo littéraire
          Example :
          Bingo littéraire Kwahiatonhk!, Québec en toutes lettres, 2018.
        • Reading with live drawing
          A public reading accompanied by an artist who illustrates the story as it is read aloud.

          French translation : Lecture dessinée
          Examples :
          J’irai dans les sentiers, Frédéric Pajak, 2021 ;
          Les bonnes fortunes et La charrue et les étoiles, Ivan Salamanca et Sarah Najjar, 2021.
          Le peuple du bout du monde, Oscar Baillif et Christian Humbert-Droz, 2021.
        • Reading with music
          A public reading with musical accompaniment.

          French translation : Lecture musicale
          Examples :
          L’Odyssée, Bishop’s University, Sherbrooke, 2017 ;
          Apnée, Philippe De Jonckheere avec Dominique Pifarély et Michele Rabbia, 2017.
        • Performed text
          An embodied public reading, mobilising the body or using other artistic practices, and witnessing a scenographic reflection. One form of this performed text is the choreopoem (la lecture chorégraphiée in French).

          French translation : Lecture performée
          Example :
          nirliit, Juliana Léveillé-Trudel, 2017.
      • Opera based on literature
        A literary musical show in which the text plays a central role, published as an opera libretto.

        French translation : Opéra littéraire
        Examples :
        Humanitudes, Éric Champagne et José Acquelin, Festival international de littérature (FIL), 2017 ;
        Le papillon noir, Yannick Haenel, Yann Robin et Arthur Nauzyciel, 2018.
      • Slam poetry
        An eliminatory oral poetry competition in which participants declaim texts lasting up to three minutes. Performances are judged by a jury made up of members of the audience.

        French translation : Slam
        Examples :
        Slams de poésie, Tremplin d’actualisation de poésie, [2008-…] ;
        Brûler – Danser, Lisette Lombé et Cloé du Trèfle, 2022.
      • Storytelling show
        A show featuring one or more stories, which are narratives highlighting imaginary events (drawing on historical, real, traditional or folk sources).
        Can take the form of a competition of storytelling and lies.

        French translation : Spectacle de contes
        Example :
        Dans mon village, il y a belle Lurette…, Fred Pellerin, [2001-…].
        • Musical storytelling
          A sung story accompanied by a melody.

          French translation : Conte musical
          Example :
          Ora, Stéphanie Hamelin Tomala et Anne Tremblay, 2017.
      • Slam comedy / Poetic stand up
        A one-man show in which an author presents a text of their own invention, often inspired by everyday life, with a humorous twist, to an audience.

        French translation : Stand up littéraire
        Examples :
        Au bout de ta langue, David Goudreault, [2018-…] ;
        La vie littéraire, Mathieu Arsenault, Productions Rhizome, 2021.
  • Literary text exhibit
    Inscribing or deploying texts in an institutionalized or non-institutionalized space, with an artistic and literary vision.

    French translation : Texte littéraire exposé
    • Literary exhibition
      A public presentation of works (artistic or literary) arranged in a physical or virtual space according to a message, a theme, a subject, or a point of view, the whole implying a primarily literary (not solely documentary) vision.

      French translation : Exposition à visée littéraire
      Examples :
      WREK NOT WORK, Olivier Deprez [2019-2020]
      Salammbô. Fureur! Passion! Éléphants!, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen, 2021.
      • Exhibition of literary texts
        An exhibition in a physical or digital space featuring a reading of previously unpublished literary texts, or proposing an unprecedented joint reading of existing literary texts.

        French translation : Exposition de textes littéraires
        Examples :
        Autour du Lactume de Réjean Ducharme, Festival international de la littérature, 2017 ;
        Comme tout le monde, les choses mortes, Céline Huyghebaert, Fonderie Darling, 2017 ;
        Musique, Stéfanie Requin Tremblay, 2021.
      • Curatorial literary text
        A literary text (single, or divided among cartels) acting as a curatorial guarantee for an exhibition of artistic works; the exhibition then becomes the mode of publication. An exhibition curated by a writer is a possible variant or extension.

        French translation : Texte littéraire muséal
        Examples :
        LIVRE/LOUVRE, Jean-Philippe Toussaint, 2012 ;
        Lisières, Caroline Lamarche, Art&Marges, 2019 ;
        Vues du fleuve, Manon Barbeau et Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette, 2023.
    • Literary installation
      A literary work designed for a particular space, indoors or outside, that combines different objects or uses mixed techniques and engaging the viewers.

      French translation : Installation à caractère littéraire
      Examples :
      Chœur(s), Productions Rhizome, [2015-…] ;
      HORIZON, Angela Detanico et Rafael Lain, 2018 ;
      C’est le matin, Mathis Berchery, 2019.
      • Billboard writing / Posters
        An installation of posters, placards, signs, or stickers in the public sphere with a literary purpose.

        French translation : Affichage
        Examples :
        La rue de la poésie, La poésie partout, [2012-…] ;
        Affiches poétiques, Festival Dans ta tête, 2015 ;
        Urgence poétique, Laurence Vielle, UC Louvain, 2019-2020.
      • Text graffiti
        Text inscriptions on walls or street furniture where signatures are usually absent or coded.

        French translation : Graffiti textuel
      • Land art
        A literary proposal using the setting or materials of nature, usually composed outdoors and thus subject to natural erosion.

        French translation : Land art / Art nature
        Examples :
        Agrotexte, Jean-Yves Fréchette, 1982 ;
        Poèmes de pluie, Mélanie Godin, [2017-2019] ;
        24H, Dimitri Vazemsky, 2015.
      • Immersive work / Immersive experience
        A literary work into which the reader can literally enter or must activate its operation. The work may have a multimedia and multisensory dimension.

        French translation : Œuvre immersive
        Examples :
        La confidence des oiseaux de passage, Les souffleurs, [2007-2021] ;
        Ciel à outrances, Brigitte Poupart, Madeleine Monette, 2022 ;
        Les promesses d’un récit, Yoan Robin, [2018-…].
    • Book-object with literary text
      A subset of artistic object-books that maintain a dialogue with a literary text.

      French translation : Livre-objet exposant un texte littéraire
      Example :
      GRAFFITI, Louis Geoffroy, 2018.
  • Mediatized literary text
    A literary text designed and made available via one or more media.

    French translation : Texte littéraire médiatisé
    • Literary-media hybrid
      A work that plays on the encounter between literary writing and another cultural practice, in which each retains traces of its media characteristics.

      French translation : Hybridation littéraire
      Examples :
      Skin, Shelley Jackson, 2003 ;
      Ouvrage secret, Noémie Pomerleau-Cloutier, 2023.
      • Virtual reality experience / VR work with literary text
        A spatialised work using virtual reality technologies and with a literary dimension.

        French translation : Expérience en réalité virtuelle à teneur littéraire
        Examples :
        Pages vivantes, Maxime Coton et Paula Kehoe, 2019 ;
        La chemise de Frank O’Hara, Bertrand Laverdure, Maison de la littérature de Québec, 2020.
      • Hybridization of games and literature
        A game with an important literary dimension, with a playful and often manipulatory character.

        French translation : Hybridation jeu-littérature
        Example :
        Fictions, Tictales, 2020.
        • Literary card game
          A literary work in the form of playing cards.

          French translation : Jeu de cartes littéraire
          Examples :
          Pourtant, les hommes, Céline Huyghebaert, 2013 ;
          Clairvoyantes, Éditions Alto, 2022 ;
          VIVACES, Louise Warren, 2022.
        • Storytelling game / Roleplaying game
          A game with a narrative framework, in the form of a single text or in various fragments/artifacts, which defines the rules of play and the possibilities of player action.

          French translation : Jeu de table à teneur textuelle / narrative, jeu de rôle
          Example :
          Ça bouille à cabane!, Jean-François Baril, 2021.
        • Story-driven videogame with text / Interactive story game
          A video game whose mechanics are based particularly on intrigue and the textual / literary dimension associated with possible interactions.

          French translation : Jeu vidéo à teneur textuelle / littéraire
          Example :
          Les frères Miller, St-Laurent Sachet, 2022.
      • Augmented book/Book with AR/Book with QR codes
        A work published on paper and whose contents may be enriched by access to other media (e.g. QR codes, augmented reality).

        French translation : Livre papier augmenté
        Examples :
        Tracés de voyage, Ugo Monticone, 2020 ;
        Mukbang, Fanie Demeule, 2021 ;
        Bandits des mers – Le message secret de la Buse, Lora Boisvert et Carolyn Chouinard, 2022.
      • Cartographic storytelling / Cartographic literary work
        A work that inscribes literary content into a map or blueprint. Many versions are digital and may incorporate media content.

        French translation : Œuvre littéraire cartographique
        Examples :
        Mes mots, mon quartier, Caroline Barber, Yannick Guéguen et Rodrigo Velasco, Agence TOPO, 2019 ;
        Constellations, Isabelle Forest, Maison de la littérature de Québec, 2021 ;
        Les univers parallèles du Mauve Motel, Nicole Brossard et Simon Dumas, Productions Rhizome, 2016 ;
        Recueil d’écueils, Donatien Garnier, 2015.
    • Electronic literature / Digital literature
      Literary writing activity using digital technologies, read and experienced onscreen, which can take the form of an ongoing practice or lead to a specific work.

      French translation : Littérature numérique
      Example :
      Le legs, Louis-Karl Picard-Sioui, 2022.
      • Digital serial / Web fiction
        A fragmented work that may be sent successively by email, messaging service or application, or published periodically on the web.

        French translation : Feuilleton numérique
        Examples :
        Aire.Area, Roseline Lambert, Pavillons, 2022 ;
        Mycélium, William Pépin, Pavillons, 2022 ;
        Les notules dominicales de culture domestique, Philippe Didion, [2001-2010].
      • Hypermedia work / Hypermedia fiction
        A digital literary work in which the text interacts with several media components (sound, image, video, animation).

        French translation : Littérature hypermédiatique / fiction hypermédiatique
        Examples :
        Le jour des innocents, Philippe De Jonckheere, 2014 ;
        CityFish, JR Carpenter, 2010 ;
        frankie et alex, Maude Veilleux, 2018 ;
        Climatic, Yannick Guéguen, ElectroLITT (Productions Rhizome et Éditions Alto), 2021
      • Enhanced e-book
        A literary work published as a digital book, enhanced with multimedia components (music, sound, image) which enriches the reading experience. Distinguishable from a homothetic digital book (which offers the same layout and content as the paper version of a work) by the addition of functions and animations.

        French translation : Livre numérique enrichi
        Examples :
        Meuh où est Gertrude, Benoit Dutrizac (illustrations : Marianne Chevalier/ Vigg), Fonfon, 2014 ;
        KALCES, Florence Jou, 2016.
      • Ongoing digital literary practice
        The practice of digitally publishing literary content, often taking advantage of existing platforms, the accumulation of which eventually creates a work of art.

        French translation : Pratique littéraire numérique en continu
        Example :
        frdgngrs, Fred Gingras, 2022-….
        • Literary blog
          A blog or site whose content is dedicated to literature or is of a literary nature.

          French translation : Blogue littéraire
          Examples :
          Le tiers livre, François Bon, 1997-… ;
          L’autofictif, Éric Chevillard, 2007-….
        • Electronic correspondence / Email art
          Work that is framed for e-mail format, text message, or other electronic messaging devices, and is intended to be sent to multiple readers and in multiple deliveries.

          French translation : Correspondance numérique
          Examples :
          En t’attendant je déjeune au cidre de pomme, Samuel Corbeil et Gabrielle Ferron, Mois de la poésie, 2020 ;
          Sentiments, Fred Gingras.
        • Literary use of non-literary platforms
          The unconventional use of a digital platform to create a literary work.

          French translation : Utilisation littéraire de plateforme
          Example :
          L’invasion poétique de Tinder, Dominique Sacy, 2020.
          • Comics on Instagram
            A comic strip using the codes of Instagram.

            French translation : InstaBD
            Examples :
            Dessine Bandé, Alex Lévesque, 2017-… ;
            L’homme le plus flippé du monde, Théo Grosjean, 2018-… ;
            A Witch’s Guide to Burning, Aminder Dhaliwal, 2021-….
          • Instapoetry
            Poetry created to be shared on Instagram, but also on other social networks like Twitter, Tumblr or TikTok.

            French translation : Instapoésie
            Examples :
            ledrapblanc, Anonyme, 2019-… ;
            poemesplates, Gabrielle Tremblay-Baillargeon, 2018-… ;
            poesie.a.numeros, Élise Jetté, 2017-2020.
          • Fictional profiles (on social media)
            A work (textual, iconographic) based on the creation and activity of a fictional character on digital social platforms.

            French translation : Profil de fiction (sur réseaux sociaux)
            Examples :
            Général Proust, Jean-Pierre Balpe, [2006-2009] ;
            Rachel Charlus, Jean-Pierre Balpe, 2011 ;
            Anna-Maria Wegekreuze, Alexandra Saemmer, 2017-….
          • Twitterature
            Literary creation distributed via the microblogging platform Twitter.

            French translation : Twittérature
            Examples :
            Dio (@DioCyborg), Anthropie, 2019-2023 ;
            #BOWARY, Baraques Walden, 2021 ;
            Particules – correspondances inattendues, LQM et Mouvement Art Mobile, 2022.
      • Computer generated text
        Textual work generated in whole or in part by an algorithm or computer system.

        French translation : Texte généré par ordinateur
        Examples :
        La machine à écrire: mise en marche et programmée par Jean A. Baudot, 1964 ;
        Trans.mis sion, JR Carpenter, 2011 ;
        Internes, Grégory Chatonsky, 2022.
      • Interactive literary work
        A digital literary work that requires active gestures on the part of the readers.

        French translation : Texte littéraire interactif
        Examples :
        Cycle PoEMM*, Jason E. Lewis, 2014 ;
        Breathe, Kate Pullinger, 2018.
    • Audio or video literary work
      A literary work produced for an audio or audiovisual medium.

      French translation : Œuvre littéraire audio/vidéo
      Example :
      Tanière, Marie-Andrée Gill, Tout à coup la poésie, 2014.
      • Literary podcast
        An audio narration scripted and performed in a sound staging, usually episodized.

        French translation : Balado littéraire
        Examples :
        Ça s’est passé ainsi, Édith Bélanger, Karine Échaquan, Kathia Rock et Alexandre Bacon, Ohdio, 2020 ;
        Quelqu’une d’immortelle, Camille Paré-Poirier, 2021 ;
        Choses sérieuses, Daphné B., 2022.
      • Video tale
        A video work offering an original performance of a story, more than a simple recording, which may include the figure of the storyteller.

        French translation : Conte vidéo
        Example :
        Wari, Andrée Lévesque Sioui, 2021.
      • Audiobook
        An audio recording of the text of a work (often published in a book format) with or without sound or musical ambience.

        French translation : Livre audio
        Examples :
        De synthèse, Karoline Georges, OHdio, 2018 ;
        Travesties-kamikaze, Josée Yvon, Vues et Voix, 2021.
      • Radio literary text
        A literary work designed for radio broadcast (initially live) with or without sound staging, read by the author or an actor.

        French translation : Texte littéraire radiophonique
        Examples :
        Le petit Pellerin, Fred Pellerin, 2021 ;
        Sillon, Jean-Guy Coulanges, 2022.
      • Videopoetry / Filmpoetry
        A work combining poetry and video art, often in short format, in which the text is recited or represented visually. When posted on YouTube, it’s sometimes called Literatube.

        French translation : Vidéopoésie
        Examples :
        La Montagne, Mathieu Lippé, 2018 ;
        Submersible, Carolanne Foucher, 2021 ;
        Indice des feux, Antoine Desjardins, 2021 ;
        Volcán, Camila Forteza et Edson Niebla, 2022 ;
        60 pph, Tremplin d’actualisation de poésie, 2022.
    • Bookish variation
      A publication that borrows from the codes of the book, but breaks away from them in many ways.

      French translation : Variation paralivresque
      Examples :
      Speedboat, Fabien Clouette et Quentin Leclerc, 2019 ;
      S., J. J. Abrams et Doug Dorst, 2013.
      • Poetic flyer
        A succinct literary publication that plays with the codes of leaflets, advertisements and postcards.

        French translation : Encart/billet poétique
        Examples :
        L’impossible voyage, Céline Huyghebaert, 2011 ;
        7 marque-pages MAD, 2018 ;
        Cartes postales, Journée du poème à porter, 2021.
      • Artist’s book
        A book combining an approach both artistic and literary , which is reflected in its graphic or material realization.

        French translation : Livre d’artiste / livre d’art
        Examples :
        le drap blanc, Céline Huyghebaert, 2017 ;
        Manuel de civilité biohardcore, Antoine Boute, Stéphane de Groef et Adrien Herda, 2020 ;
        Prendre fin, Sarah Boutin, 2021.
      • Photo comics / Photo-novel
        A picture story, often in serial form, with staged photos, speech bubbles and captions.

        French translation : Photo-roman
        Examples :
        L’envers du décor, Guillaume Corbeil, Chélanie Beaudin-Quintin et Emilie Mannering, 2015 ;
        La famille Lajeunesse : Une histoire sur l’âgisme, Les Accordailles, 2020.
      • Fragmented publication
        A literary work published in small and/or partial sections.

        French translation : Publication fractionnée
        Example :
        Le chrysanthème, Les autres jours, 2023-2024.
        • Serial literature
          A work published in small and/or partial sections on a regular basis in a periodical.

          French translation : Feuilleton
          Example :
          « La société des grands fonds », Daniel Canty, dans Le Bathyscaphe, L’oie de cravan, [2008-2013].
        • Mailed literature
          A literary production using the postal service and its codes (postcard, letter, envelope) to disseminate its content at intervals.

          French translation : Littérature postale
          Example :
          Des nouvelles de Martha, Marie Laberge, [2008-2011].
      • Zine
        A handmade publication with limited distribution.

        French translation : Zine littéraire
        Examples :
        Les Sabines, collectif Les Sabines, [2009-…] ;
        Toutes sortes de…, Geneviève L’Heureux et Jolène Ruest, [2019-2021] ;
        Autour, Charlotte et Félix Parent, 2022.
        • Fanzine
          An independent publication dedicated to a public passionate about a particular subject, and edited by amateurs.

          French translation : Fanzine
          Examples :
          Katapulpe, [2007-2016] ;
          Périmé.e.s, Léa Lou Desmartis, 2022.
        • Prozine
          A publication edited by specialists with a passion for a particular subject.

          French translation : Prozine
          Examples :
          Londonderry, Les Dérailleuses, [2016-2017] ;
          Nos voix de roches, Claire Moeder et autres artistes, [2020-2022].
        • Webzine
          A periodical publication hosted on the web, usually on a specialized subject or aimed at a specific community.

          French translation : Webzine
          Example :
          FAUVE MAG, La charpente des fauves, 2022.

Nomenclature of literary arts practices – Graphic version

Graphic version of the Literary Arts Nomenclature

Literary Arts Presentation Documents (in French)

Carte postale de promotion, Arts littéraires
Postcard promoting the Literary Arts
Document de présentation, Arts littéraires
Literary Arts presentation document (PDF, 8 pages)

For further information

Literary Arts Project main page (in French)